Older people and those with learning disabilities in Oxfordshire receive better services from their providers than the national average across England.
Of the 21,200 social care organisations/settings (care homes and home care) in England, 202 are in Oxfordshire.
The Care Quality Commission regularly inspects all these care settings across the country and has four ratings:
· Outstanding – the service is performing exceptionally well
· Good – the service is performing well and meeting CQC’s expectations
· Requires improvement – the service isn’t performing as well as it should and has been told how it must improve.
· Inadequate – the service is performing badly and action has been taken against the person/organisation running it.
More than nine out of 10 of the 4,461 people who receive services from providers, receive them from providers rated “Outstanding” or “Good”. Meanwhile a total of 88 per cent (189) of Oxfordshire’s 202 care providers are rated either “outstanding” or “good” compared to 80 per cent of national providers.